Setting Up The Scene

This week I made a start on the Unity project, setting things up to begin building my AI systems.  I am using Unity3D 2018.2.15.  I have created a white box scene to begin with as described by j. Hocking which contains three rooms.  Once I had created the simple scene I proceeded to download the sample assets provided by Unity to gain access to their "Ethan" character, I will be using their provided Third Person Controller for the player and currently just the model for the AI Enemies, at a later date I will incorporate the animations for the enemies.

Once I had imported the assets I needed I set up some way points around the scene to be used with the NavMesh agent.  Near the end of the project if there is time I will look into implementing my own path-finding system.  The NavMesh system has been set up for the AI to randomly select one of the three way points and move towards it, this is all handled within the same script, however the AIs movement will be determined based on the Behaviour Tree once that is implemented.

Next I will work towards implementing Line of Sight (LoS) functionality.

Reference List
[1] Hockling, J. (2015) Unity In Action, edited by Manning Publications 2015, pp 72-75.
[2] Unity - Building A NavMesh (2018) Available at [Accessed 12/11/2018]
[3] Unity - Creating A NavMesh Agent (2018) Available at [Accessed 12/11/2018]