White boxing a test environment with ProBuilder
As I stated in my proposal, to white box out a test environment I was going to use ProBuilder as it is a quick and built-in way to model geometry. I had tested some environments in scenes Although this came with some issues as I do not have any prior modelling experience I had a few issues while making the initial rooms, the more I used the software and read up information the quicker I was able to complete the models, however I did vastly underestimate the time it would take me to white box a rough test environment. Another issue I had with ProBuilder is that while building my models, especially the first couple I was having issues connecting pieces together in the way I wanted and it appears I was unable to remove the faces and vertices correctly as once I got round to putting colliders on the environment, some of the models where I had placed doorways in had a very messy collider around those locations which could affect the performance of the test level. At present...