
Showing posts from September, 2018

Researching Different AI Techniques - Finite-State Machine

For my Final Project module I have been asked to pick a subject I have studied over the past few years of University, that I have enjoyed and would like to improve my knowledge of.  For this I have selected to research into Artificial Intelligence (AI).  The reason for this, is during my second year of University I had to complete an AI module using Torcs which is "an open-source 3D car racing simulator" (, 2018) using one of the methods we had learnt previously, these are; Finite State Machines (FSM) Steering Behaviours  Behaviour Trees Although there were different AI techniques we had learnt, we were instructed to pick one or more of these techniques and control a car around a track, I used a Behaviour Tree to control mine.   To begin my research into AI I will be looking at Finite-State Machines (FSM) and how they can be applied to games.  A FSM as described by (Buckland, 2005) "is to decompose an object's behavior [ sic ] into easily ma